Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's Amazing.

how a little person can go from this


to this








Mommy loves you Chloe!

Friday, March 12, 2010

so i never really update this blog cause i feel like i am constantly sounding like a whiney 2 year old but i guess thats my life now.
a depressed, whiney, boring 23 year old mom.
but in all reality, i am everything above and really nothing else.
i have wet eyes at least 22 hours of the 24 there is in a day.
i rarely smile and its only because my six year old tells me to, "Mommy, PLEASE smile" what six year old should have to tell their mom that?

i would love to be happy, but i feel like im going to be stuck in this for the rest of my life.

people say move on? find a new man, that could help!
i have a man and i still feel like i am cheating every time i am with him.

i also have the most supportive friends in the world and it doesn't do much either.

just everything is so sucky 24/7

Trey, I love you with all my heart.
PLEASE come back soon.
I can't do this much longer.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

my heart just shattered into a million pieces!


Yes baby.

"At school today my teacher said we should always tell you that we love you."

oh did they?

"uh-uh so i want to tell you that I love with you my whole heart"

i love you too baby, more then you will ever know.

"well mommy, can I tell you something?"


"I used to love you with just half my heart when daddy was here, half for you, half for daddy. but he isn't here anymore so you have my whole heart"