so i never really update this blog cause i feel like i am constantly sounding like a whiney 2 year old but i guess thats my life now.
a depressed, whiney, boring 23 year old mom.
but in all reality, i am everything above and really nothing else.
i have wet eyes at least 22 hours of the 24 there is in a day.
i rarely smile and its only because my six year old tells me to, "Mommy, PLEASE smile" what six year old should have to tell their mom that?
i would love to be happy, but i feel like im going to be stuck in this for the rest of my life.
people say move on? find a new man, that could help!
i have a man and i still feel like i am cheating every time i am with him.
i also have the most supportive friends in the world and it doesn't do much either.
just everything is so sucky 24/7
Trey, I love you with all my heart.
PLEASE come back soon.
I can't do this much longer.